

The term sustainability is now part of our daily lexicon. The majority of Italians consciously adopt an increasingly sustainable lifestyle. His purchases, his behaviors, his opinions about companies are guided by the concept of sustainability.

In accordance with the UN 2030 Agenda, countries are adapting regulations and requests to companies to achieve the goals within the set time frame. indicates to companies the path of adaptation and transformation to obtain the necessary requirements and respond to the demands of the market, consumers, companies and society.

Made in Italy

Made in Italy tells a story of traditions, excellence, uniqueness, culture, passion and know-how.

Made in Italy products are known and sought after all over the world for their quality and reliability, for their unmistakable taste, for the imagination and originality of the design. welcomes the best of Made in Italy and introduces it to a path of innovation towards sustainability to be Greener.

Social impact

Being competitive today means being sustainable. The United Nations defines sustainable development as that which "satisfies the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own".

Sustainable development must pursue general well-being while respecting mankind and the environment. is recognized in the UN definition, where sustainability is a global responsibility, of governments, companies and consumers, who must work today to build the future.

Minds at work for Sustainability . will be the reference for those who believe in a sustainable lifestyle.

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